Stay Connected, Stay Informed

On-Call Routing & Pager Replacement

Experience seamless and reliable alert delivery across multiple channels, ensuring your team is always in the loop, no matter the time or place.

Key Features

Reliable & Fast Alerts
Receive alerts via push, text, email, and voice calls with unmatched speed and reliability.
Time-Based Notification Profiles
Customize alert delivery based on time-of-day to ensure the right people are notified at the right time.
Delivery Tracking & Acknowledgements
Track alert delivery and get acknowledgements to ensure no critical message is missed.
Automated Escalations

Automatically escalate alerts to the next person in line if the primary contact is unavailable.

Our Services

Ad-Hoc Duty Management

Manage on-call duties and shifts directly from our mobile app for ultimate flexibility.

On Call Dashboards

Easily view and manage who is on call at any given time with our intuitive dashboards.

Precise Alert Routing

Route alerts to the right team members based on their roles and schedules, ensuring timely responses.

Pager Replacement

Pager systems are becoming increasingly outdated. Smartphone apps offer a modern, attractive alternative. Phonewire provides a cost-effective replacement, even for two-way pagers.

Pricing Plans

* Prices are per user, per month.  Annual subscription plan is available with discounted pricing.  All prices are excluding taxes.  Free Trial is available for the first 30 days for 10 users on the Maximize plan; No credit card is required for the Free Trial.  If you don’t opt for a subscription plan by the end of your Free Trial, your service will automatically renew for free as the Starter Plan.

Our Integration Partners

What Our Clients Say

“Phonewire has revolutionized our on-call management and finally replaced our old pagers. It’s more reliable, easier to use, and we never miss a critical issue.”

Jessica Ratliff, IT Manager

“The automated escalations and delivery tracking features have significantly improved our response times. Highly recommend this service!”

Sara Blanchette, Operations Director

“With over 175 integrations, Phonewire seamlessly connects with all our existing systems, making it an indispensable tool for our team.”

Hina Shah, Support Lead

Get Started with Signal Today!

Experience the reliability and efficiency of our Advanced Mobile Alerting and On-Call Routing service. Ensure every alert reaches the right person at the right time. Sign up today for free, download the App, and never miss a critical alert again!