Unbeatable Accuracy
Your voicemail audio messages are typed out into text by real humans, day and night, as they are received. It lets us do cool things like set custom notes for unique names or product spellings, web form completions, group voicemail sharing, and many other use applications requiring high accuracy by businesses and non-profits.
Compatible with Your Voicemail
Our service easily integrates with almost every phone system and voicemail service available, or we can create a new voice mailbox with its own unique telephone number just for your needs. In addition, the platform is open to developers who need unique applications and API integrations such as helpdesks and CRM systems.
Powered by people makes all the difference.
Sometimes automated transcription isn’t perfect. Accents can be difficult, so can fast speakers. Which is why we provide voicemail transcription by real people. We can even place notes on the transcriptionist’s screen for your account so that difficult spellings are typed right, every time. With the highest accuracy in the industry, our voicemail transcription will finally give you the ability to read your voicemail rather than listening ever again!
Read your voicemails while in a meeting.
Voicemail Transcription gives you the ability to read your voicemail instead of listening to the recorded audio message. Your voicemail message is transcribed by a human being who will transcribe the voicemail into typed text, then e-mail or text it directly to you. Review and forward voicemail transcription messages to co-workers, partners or employees as quietly as sending an e-mail.
Fastest time in the industry.
We aim for accuracy first, but delivery speed is important as well. Typically, most transcriptions are sent within a minute or two. And our human transcriptionists will type your voicemail messages into text, accurately, day and night and holidays — 24/7/365. For every new voicemail you receive, we’ll take care of it. Every time.
Original audio is included with typed text.
For your convenience, the audio recording of the voicemail message is delivered to you along with the transcribed text. It’s our way to demonstrate our high accuracy and also provide a backup of the audio to you — just in case. For applications where you need to keep the voicemail recording anonymous, we can simply turn off the inclusion of the audio attachment for your account.
Plans and Pricing
Our voicemail to text transcription service is month-to-month with no contract required. We operate 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to transcribe your voicemail anytime — day or night, weekends, vacations, and holidays are no problem — and deliver the transcription to up to 4 email and/or text message addresses per User.
Custom rate plans are available, depending on your needs and specific application of the service. Just call us toll-free at 1(877)877-9473 and ask!
Perfect to get started!- 20 minutes of audio transcribed (by a real person) included per month
- Billing in 1 second increments (approx. 15-30 voicemails per month)
- Unique pw-1.us Audio Submission E-mail Address
- Voice Mailbox with Phone Number (optional $9/month)
Best for individuals!- 50 minutes of audio transcribed (by a real person) included per month
- Billing in 1 second increments (approx. 50-150 voicemails per month)
- Unlimited Users, ideally 1-3 is recommended.
- Minutes are pooled and shared between Users
- Unique pw-1.us Audio Submission E-mail Address for Each User
- Voice Mailbox with Phone Number (optional $10/month each)
Small Office
Best Bundled Value!- 100 minutes of audio transcribed (by a real person) included per month
- Billing in 1 second increments (approx. 150-300 voicemails per month)
- Unlimited Users, ideally 3-7 is recommended.
- Minutes are pooled and shared between Users
- Unique pw-1.us Audio Submission E-mail Address for Each User
- Voice Mailbox with Phone Number (optional $10/month each)
Let everyone share!- 500 minutes of audio transcribed (by a real person) included per month
- Billing in 1 second increments (approx. 500-1000 voicemails per month)
- Unlimited Users, ideally 20-30 is recommended.
- Minutes are pooled and shared between Users
- Unique pw-1.us Audio Submission E-mail Address for Each User
- Voice Mailbox with Phone Number (optional $10/month each)
What Our Customers Are Saying
Don't just take it from us, let our customers do the talking!
"I have had a great privilege to work with Phonewire and they have always able to meet my requests, such as creating a voice mail message for me since I am Deaf. I use this service for many years and find it very useful and effective to do my business in the past. I highly recommend this service (voice to text)."
"Phonewire, provides my solo law practice with an invaluable service. I am able to cut my costs dramatically for phone answering services and devote those funds to other more important tasks. It's definitely worth the reasonable monthly cost."
"I've used Phonewire's service for a few years and it's still the coolest service I've seen. I get to see all of the text of my voicemails without the time wasted listening to them. I can answer the important ones first, then delegate the simple ones. Phonewire's system has worked flawlessly over thousands of calls. I love it!"